Thursday, July 30, 2009

Getting Started 2

So last night after the kids were in bed, I went to the store to stock up on a few supplies so when we actually do art projects or whatever, I'll have the things we need to do them. I also got new dry erase markers for our white board and am getting closer to having everything ready to jump right in on the routines.

Unfortunately, I already am dragging my feet a bit and keep wondering why I wanted to do this in the first place. So it's a good thing I'm making myself report in this blog, or I'd probably have stopped before I started, and I still think it will help my kids be happier and will help things go smoother through the day.

I did have the kids start on a few of the things yesterday. While they usually like reading and story time, for some reason they didn't want to do it yesterday, so it took twice as long as it usually does. I do kind of expect to get some resistance to the changes, but I didn't really expect them to rebel at that particular one. I'm hoping it goes better today.

Their favorite part was the outside play time, even though they complained that it would be too hot. And yes, I usually do make them go play outside at some point during the day, so this wasn't new. I think they liked it better this time because I turned on the sprinklers and let them run through them in their clothes. They dried off after with scooter races.

So here's hoping it keeps getting smoother as we get into it and get organized better.

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