Monday, November 16, 2009


You may have noticed that here it is, the middle of November, and the last time I posted was on the 2nd. No, I haven't actually been slacking with our schedules and just not posting. I've actually been sticking to it pretty well.

But since I've been doing pretty well and not posting, I think I'm going to stop posting our daily activities on this. It got pretty boring to read anyway. From now on, I'm probably going to only post if there's something really cool we've done or there's something I want to share. But if I find myself slacking more and more, I'll start posting more again just to keep myself on track. So if you use Google Reader, then you will be able to see when I've posted without having to keep checking. If you don't, well, you can keep checking, but there probably won't be new posts very often.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions on activities or things that have worked for you with your kids, still feel free to post comments or to email me. If there are really good suggestions, I may put them in a regular post so everyone can see.


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