Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

I feel like a total slacker this week since we haven't been really doing any activities in the afternoon before Wednesday, although I probably should only feel like a slacker for Tuesday.

On Monday we did our usual morning with story time and chores and the like. On Monday afternoon, I had to take B back to the doctor to get his lip checked where they had removed the growth, so that kind of killed the afternoon as far as doing activities.

On Tuesday, we did our normal morning, and would have done their cousin day, but their cousins ended up going down for naps instead. So I could have done an activity, but I was feeling a bit sick with a cold, so while W played games on the computer, I took a bit of a nap with H (who was also feeling a bit sick and had gotten up for a while in the middle of the night).

Wednesday went a bit better. We did our usual morning story time and chores and then took D to the bus stop. After the bus came, we went to the library for their story time there and the kids seemed to have a good time again. After lunch and a short free play time, we got out a board game (Candyland) and played that before we did an art time where they got to color Halloween pictures. W is a bit obsessed with Halloween this year. He always wants to go to the Halloween store to look at costumes and decorations, and he always asks if it's Halloween yet. I think it's going to be a long month.

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