Friday, October 2, 2009

A little lazy?

Okay, I feel like I've been a little lazy lately, since we haven't had a good art or music time this week.

On Wednesday after we dropped D off at the bus, I took the other 3 to the library for their story time there. They seemed to have a lot of fun, so I may keep taking them there. Later in the afternoon, we made chocolate chip cookies instead of doing a different activity.

On Thursday they got to go play with their cousins. I had all sorts of plans of what I would do while they were gone, but I got a haircut and went to the store and ended up taking a lot longer than I planned, so I didn't have time for anything else before the older kids got off the bus. It really was very nice being able to go and do that without the kids though.

Today (Friday), was really my lazy day. I let the kids play a couple games on the computer while I cleaned a bit and then made some treats for a girls' night out. I also did some laundry while I was doing that. Then I finally had some lunch and took a little bit of a break while they were playing with toys together (and the baby was napping). So I really could have done more, but didn't. I think I may have decided to start potty training H though, since he acts as if he wants to try a bit. We'll see if I stick to it after this weekend or decide to let him stay in diapers for a little longer.

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