Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yes, more slacking

So on Wednesday I had all my kids home because of the flu, and yes, I let it be an excuse to slack a little bit. Okay, a lot. But I did try to at least do one thing with the kids each day so it wasn't a total slacker day.

And it's been so long and all the days blend in together, that I can't remember what we did on Wednesday. We did do a story time, but I can't remember what else. Sorry about that.

B actually went back to school on Thursday, so D was the only one who was supposed to have gone to school and didn't. We did a story time as usual on Thursday and I let them have a bit of a learning time on starfall.com again. D likes to get on there and write down the words that he sees. I think it's good practice for him. Later in the day, we rearranged the furniture in our family room a little bit. So can we call that art time?

On Friday, D was still home, but was feeling a bit better, so we did a learning time in the morning and did a story time outside in the afternoon. After the story time, the kids had a good time looking for some different fall leaves.

On Sunday D was hit with a fever again that lasted most of the day Monday as well, so he stayed home once again. It was also a laundry day for me, as usual, so I let the kids play while I would do laundry. It had been raining a bit in the morning, so when W kept begging to let him jump on the trampoline, I couldn't let him. B and H did for a while after B came home from school though. But once again, we did our story time and did a bit of a game time on Monday. But it was still a slacker day.

Tuesday was actually much better, even though D was still home from school. His school has a policy with the whole swine flu thing that if they are sick with a fever, they're not supposed to return to school until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication. And since he still had a fever on Monday night, he stayed home on Tuesday. But since he was feeling better, it made it easier to actually make sure we did things.

We had our story time as usual, although I will admit that in the morning I let them have a little more free play than I usually do. But we did a real art time where we got some construction paper and made pumpkins and then put them up the front windows. They had a good time gluing eyes and noses and mouths on their pumpkins. And then had a really good time going outside to see the pumpkins up on the windows.

But hopefully now that everyone seems to be over this flu for the most part (knock on wood) we'll be able to get back to our routine. I certainly hope so.

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