Monday, October 12, 2009

Thursday, Friday, and Monday

Okay, wow. I hadn't realized that I only reported once last week. For some reason I thought I had just left off Friday's. But I guess 3 days isn't too bad. I'm sure that if I keep letting 3 days slide though, soon it will turn to 4, then I'll just be reporting once a week. And while that might be good for my 2 readers who I'm sure get a little bit bored reading about my days, it might facilitate a bit of slacking off in the schedule on my part.

The end of the week last week did continue with my slacking a bit. Thursday's morning was thrown off by a doctor appointment for my youngest, so we didn't get our reading time in for the morning. We did do it later though, so at least that.

After the doctor appointment, I started getting so I wasn't feeling well again, so for the most part, it was a lazy afternoon. Especially since once again, H and A were both sleeping at the same time. And luckily for me, W was watching his favorite movie, The Wizard of Oz. So I did get to rest a bit. Of course, it was a Thursday and that's usually when my kids get to go play at their cousins' house and I get to do whatever. But since they had played there in the morning and their cousins had missed their time to play here, it ended up not happening.

I still wasn't feeling totally great on Friday, but we managed to have our normal morning routine and even did some art time with the kids coloring some Halloween pictures. D came home from school and saw some of the pictures they had colored and wanted to color one of his own too. He thought they were pretty cool.

On Monday we had a normal morning, although we almost missed the bus when we took D there. After the bus, we went down to the park to play for a bit, even though it was windy and cold. Of course that's when they wanted to stay and play longer than they usually do.

And yes, Monday afternoon had a little more slacking. I had some laundry to fold and put away, so while the kids were watching a Star Wars movie that was on TV, I did that. Okay, it was while W was watching it, since H thinks he has to follow me around everywhere and sat on my lap while I folded the laundry and had me read him some more books. After that was done, we just went outside to play for a bit until their older brothers got home from school.

Hopefully I'll do better tomorrow.

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