Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Spooky Ghosts

Tuesday ended up being much better. I didn't slack off much at all. Even though I was tempted to because B was home sick.

Because B was home sick, I did take the opportunity to sleep in a little bit, although not much. But that did put us back a little bit in our morning routine. But we still got in a good story time, which was even helped by B who wanted to read to his brothers.

After we dropped D off at the bus, we came back and did our art time. For art time, we got plastic grocery sacks and made ghosts to decorate a tree outside for Halloween. The kids were very, very excited to be able to make them. Their favorite part was drawing faces on the sacks after we had them stuffed and shaped. W kept carrying his around and was excited to see it up on the tree after we made them all.

After lunch and a little free play time, we put together some puzzles and then had a learning time. I was impressed how W knows all his letters now and even knows their sounds. He was trying to sound out the word "jump" and was getting pretty close. And H is getting better with letters and knows quite a few. He wants to know them like his brothers, so he loves learning the letters.

It's amazing how much I feel like I'm a better mom when we actually stick to the schedule and I resist the impulse to be lazy, even when we've got some sick kids at home. Now if I can just remember that so I'll keep it up....

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