Monday, October 26, 2009

Will it ever end?

I was so excited because on Wednesday D was finally able to go back to school after having missed a week. We started out good with our chores then story time.

After we got D off on the bus, we went home to get some things ready and then went on another outing to the zoo. Boy, it seems like we go to the zoo a lot. But with the year passes and with the kids who really, really like the zoo, we end up going there. The only bad thing about going to the zoo was when we first got there and W was a little bit carsick and threw up in the parking lot. I was going to just turn around and have us go home, but he really wanted to stay, so I told him we could try it for a bit. Getting out in the fresh air helped him feel a lot better.

The zoo trip made us be pretty late, so the kids were still eating their late lunch when the others came home on the bus. I helped them with their homework, then they had a little time to jump on the trampoline before we had to take D to soccer practice.

Unfortunately, D woke up in the night with a really bad earache, so I had to take him to the doctor on Thursday morning to confirm that yes, he did have an ear infection. So after we picked up the prescription for him, we rented a few movies and I let them have a movie day. The poor kid really didn't feel well with that ear hurting him so much.

On Friday, the kids didn't have school and didn't want to leave to do something fun because they wanted to take advantage of having the trampoline that is still a novelty to them. So they spent probably half the day outside jumping and playing on the trampoline. Before long it's going to be too cold to go out and jump on it very often, so I let them do as much of that now as they can, within reason.

So yes, I felt like Thursday and Friday were a bit on the slacker side again, but I did get a lot of cleaning done on Friday, so that was good at least.

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