Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday and Monday

Friday was a pretty normal day. We did a music time on Friday and didn't really have an outing day since we had other things going on. I guess you could call the visit to the park on Thursday an outing day since it wasn't our usual park and we spent more time there.

On Monday, instead of having an art or music time, the kids got to go to their cousin's house while I had to go take B to the doctor to get his growth (a mucous seal) removed from the inside of his lip. He did really well and sat still and calm while they removed it. The doctor said he deserved an extra special Christmas present this year because he did so well and didn't have to have it done in the hospital and saved us lots of money. It just totally cracked me up that they were holding onto his lip and cutting it off and he just kept talking. "I don't feel that at all!"

We did walk to the park on our adventure walk on Monday, partly because it's the last warm (okay, hot) day before we get a nice cold front coming through. I am all sorts of excited for the cooler weather, but it will make it a little harder to do things outside.

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