Monday, September 14, 2009

3 days, 1 post

Wow, I didn't realize that I had slacked off quite this much and haven't posted about Thursday or Friday. I guess maybe I should actually check a little more often.

Thursday and Friday both went pretty well. On Thursday we did another adventure walk to the park. It was kind of funny because W had wanted to go right when we did for it, but then didn't remember to start looking for his adventure stuff until we were almost to the park.

Later in the afternoon, we colored some pictures for art time and then played a board game until it was time to go pick up the older 2 from the school bus.

On Friday I took the younger 3 to the library after we took D to the bus. That particular trip made me not want to take them back to the library for a very, very long time, but we did get a couple of fun books to read with them for story time.

After a learning time and play time, we did a music time where we played and danced and sang. They seemed to have a good time.

Today we did another adventure walk after we dropped D off a the bus. We took the dog with us this time, which I don't do often because he's got such bad hips. Whenever we do though, we get lots of looks and lots of comments. He's a very large dog and very pretty. It's more the size that gets us the stares though. When the dog is taller than the stroller I'm pushing, it's not surprising.

For some reason, it took us longer on today's adventure walk, so by the time we got home and had some lunch and some play time, it was time to go pick up the others from the bus. At least they did get some learning time in and we always get story time in the mornings and throughout the day, especially with H. He loves books and is always bringing me some to read to him. Especially "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You Hear?" and "Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You See?" He has those two memorized and usually ends up telling them to us rather than having us read them to him. He's very cute and very silly.

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