Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday's work

We ended up having a better day on Monday than I thought we would. B was actually feeling okay and could have gone to school, but I still think it was better that we kept him home just in case he was still contagious our would get it again.

We had a pretty good learning time, playing on starfall.com again. H is getting so he really likes watching it and learning letters too.

For game and then art time, we got a puzzle out and were putting it together. I was impressed with how often W was able to find the pieces that fit together, even though he just turned 4. He always thought it was pretty cool when he found some that fit. We even still worked on it for a little bit when D got home from school and had it about 3/4 of the way done when H decided to knock it off the table and break it apart.

And we even did get a few books read too, so it ended up being a pretty successful day.

Today however, will not be. W and H both threw up again last night, D has diarrhea, and so does his mom. So it will probably be a movie day. But we'll see how everyone is feeling a little later.

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