Friday, September 4, 2009

Dinosaur art

Thursday was pretty similar to Wednesday, but we didn't go to the lake on an outing. We did do an adventure walk to the park after we dropped D off at the bus stop. It was kind of funny watching W and H not really know what to do as much without their older brothers there to play with.

For art time on Thursday, I pulled out one of the giant coloring books we have with dinosaurs and let them each pick a picture or two to color and we all sat and colored together. W kept making up stories about his dinosaurs as he would color, so it was fun to see. H has a typical 2 year-old attention span, so he'd run off for a bit, come back and color, go run off, come back and color, etc. It was fun though.

So another successful day. And I think we're starting to get a good routine going with the other kids in school.

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