Saturday, September 19, 2009

Water art and outing day

Thursday was a pretty good day, with our typical morning of chores followed by reading time, especially since we actually were able to get it all done earlier and had it done by the time my visiting teachers came by for a short, but chaotic thanks to D and W, visit.

After we took D to the bus, we went on another adventure walk to the park. It amazes me with how long it sometimes takes to walk to the park, especially when W is riding his big wheel. And it cracks me up that now that B and D are in school and aren't coming with us on the adventure walks, the kids are always looking for monkeys and tigers. When they see them they throw bananas and meat so that the animals won't get us. With that typical choice, it's no surprise that they love going to the zoo and don't seem to get tired of it.

After lunch and a free play time, we did a short learning time, followed by an art time. Sticking with the order of the days, it should have been a music day, but since we had seemed to miss our art times on art days, I decided to let us do art. We took cups of water and some sponges outside and painted pictures on the driveway with water. We were still outside doing it when D, who had run ahead of B, got home from school and saw us and wanted to join in. So we did that for a couple of minutes before we came in and checked backpacks and stuff. After that, we went back outside for some outside play.

If you have any good suggestions for activities to do during art time or music time or even just during play, please feel free to comment and let me know. I'm always up for suggestions so that we're not always doing the same things.

Friday was our outing day for the week, since B and D didn't have school. For our outing, we went first to a park to play for a little while, then we met their dad for lunch. After lunch, we went, of course, to the zoo. We had gone there last at the beginning of the week last week, and since then they had actually gotten a couple of new exhibits, so that was fun. B was having a good time reading a book he has about the solar system, so he spent the whole time we were traveling in the van reading that book and telling me about it.

When we got home, we had some ice cream cones and the kids played outside for a bit. I had B and D go around the block on their scooters while I timed them to see how fast they could do it, which was just over 3 minutes. W decided he wanted to go with them and went even though I had told him not to, so he got to spend the rest of the night in his room, only coming down for dinner.

One thing I like about this schedule is that it gets us up and active. We're always doing different things and not just sitting around. If you know my kids, you know they don't just sit around anyway, but at least it's good for me.

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