Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2 days, 1 post

For some reason, it's hard for me to actually get in a report every day of what we did. I was originally going to do them at night after the kids were in bed, but I typically don't want to spend that time on the computer. I'd actually rather just be able to relax and read a book or watch tv or something like that. So there will be times like this time where I combine a couple of days' worth into one post. I'm sure no one will really mind.

Since it was actually a bit cooler yesterday, we did our outing day then. We dropped D off at the bus stop and then headed out to the zoo. Since there were just the 3 kids, we were actually able to take a little more time looking at each of the animals. It's amazing sometimes how much difference there is when one goes places with 2 less children. Sometimes the difference is good, sometimes it's bad. This time was a little of both. Well, it wasn't bad, but I missed having the other two there for their fun comments and missed being able to spend time with them. But I did really enjoy taking just the 3. It wasn't necessarily easier, but it seemed that way when I had 2 less kids to try to keep track of.

We had a good reading time and learning time yesterday too, but we usually do.

Today was pretty good too, but we didn't really get a good activity in, other than the trip to the store to get more milk and dog food. We did stop at the park on the way back so the kids could play for a minute, but they weren't all that interested in playing much today.

H fell asleep for a bit this afternoon though, so I had some good one-on-one time with W for about a half hour. We played a game on the computer together and had a bit of a learning time.

This morning's reading time was pretty good. It was one where they kept bringing more books or wanting me to read the books over again. With the ABC books, I'm always impressed with how well they know their letters. D is getting pretty good with the help of school and will hear words on the television or somewhere and tell me what letter it starts with. W knows almost all of his letters now, even some that I thought he didn't know. It's amazing to me sometimes how quickly kids can learn.

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