Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New trades

Our routine is starting to adjust this week, but it's not going to be a huge change. One of the changes this week will be a regular change, but a few changes for this week are for this week only.

Monday however, was a normal day. We did go to the store after dropping D off at the bus, so while not uncommon, it wasn't a regularly scheduled activity. Other than that change, we had our normal chores, reading time, learning time, play time, and art time. I did think it was kind of funny that after art time (just coloring this time), H got out our learning time flash cards and brought them over to me because he wanted to do more learning time.

Tuesday's schedule was thrown off right from the start. B had a doctor appointment at 9:00, so he didn't go to school in the morning like he usually does. I took him to the doctor to have a growth he has on the inside of his bottom lip checked out. Turns out that it's an oral fibroma that might go away on its own, but the doctor thinks we should get it removed. So we have an appointment with the ENT on Wednesday to have him look at it and schedule its removal. The handy thing is that I already had an appointment scheduled with the ENT for H to get his tubes checked, and they were able to schedule B's appointment right after his.

After I dropped B off at school, I picked up the other kids from their aunt's house. By the time we got home, we didn't have a lot of time before we needed to take D to the bus, so the kids basically just played a little bit. After we took D to the bus, we came home and had a learning time, then lunch.

After lunch is where the change came that's going to be more of a regular change. Once a week their cousins will be coming over to play for a couple of hours, then on another day once a week, they will be going to their cousins' house for a couple of hours. That's going to be really nice for their moms because we'll get to do things without the kids: running errands, cleaning the house, taking a nap, whatever. So their moms will get a nice break for a bit and they'll get the chance to play with their cousins.

Their cousins went home just as B and D were coming home from school, so we did homework, which included a story time since we missed it in the morning, then the kids were able to play for a while before dinner.

I'm looking forward to the changes and also am looking forward to getting all these doctor appointments over with so we can get back to our regular routine.

1 comment:

  1. Nice change. I'm glad you can help each other that way. Go Supermom!
