Friday, September 25, 2009

Doctors, doctors, and more doctors

It really seems like this week is the week of doctors. We had a normal morning on Wednesday, but in the afternoon I took H and B to the ENT. H's ears looked great and B goes back on Monday to get his growth on his lip removed. The doctor would have done it then, but D was coming off the bus in a half hour, so I needed to make sure I got home. We originally scheduled it for Thursday, but they couldn't get in touch with our insurance company to pre-authorize it and it was scheduled for Monday instead. B is funny. Even though his appointment is at 1:45 on Monday, he wants to go back to school after.

On Thursday we had a normal morning again. After we dropped D off on his bus, we came home and had a bit of a learning time before we went to the park so I could do my visiting teaching while the kids all played. Of course the kids would all come over and want attention as we would start talking, but it was still nice. H cracked me up and came over to me about a half hour after we got there and said, "Mama, let's go." He was done playing and wanted to go right then. I did get him to play a little bit longer though.

We did art time on Thursday and I had them color some dinosaur pictures again. H picked his picture because he wanted to color an ostrich and so his dinosaur was one with a beak and a long neck and walked on two legs. So that was his ostrich. Silly kid.

And as an added bonus, when B and D came home, they had slips of paper from the bus company saying that their bus was changing its (they put it's, so my husband said we should call them and say they shouldn't be allowed to change since they can't spell properly) route. The address they had for pick-up and drop-off happened to be our address. I thought at first that they were going to start picking up all the kids at their houses, but no, they're just picking up all the kids right in front of my house. That's really nice for before the snow starts coming. Now I won't have to get all 5 kids and walk down to the bus stop (or drive, but we usually walk). I can just wave bye to them from my front door. The kindergarten bus still picks them up from the same spot though, so I will have to take D over there, but it's a little easier to get us all over there then. I'm sure I'll be driving him over in the snow. When B was in kindergarten, we only had one car, so I'd have to walk him over to the bus stop. That year H ended up getting pneumonia. Now that we have two cars, I'll be driving to the bus stop when it's that cold and snowy.

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