Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another single post for two days

There seems to be a trend in my slacking in actually recording every day what we've been doing. But that's okay, since I do get to it eventually and just knowing that I will need to record it eventually still keeps me motivated. Our schedule has become more of a habit and established routine lately, so I think I'd actually keep it up now if I didn't keep up with the blog. But just in case I would end up stopping, I will still continue to record it.

We didn't really do an adventure walk on Tuesday like we usually do. The kids still made up games as we'd walk to and from the bus stop though, so at least we did get some walking and playing in.

Usually we will come home from dropping B off at the bus and then we'll eat breakfast, get dressed, and do our chores. It's amazing how long that can take sometimes. But after the chores are done (basically after all the toys are cleaned up), we have our story time. It's kind of nice because part of D's homework is to read at least 20 minutes 5 times a week, so we get to get it done before he goes to school. Then any other homework he may have (which he usually doesn't, but occasionally he will) we can do after he gets home from school. After the story time, I give them about a half hour to play before we need to take D to the bus for school. And for these last two days, that's exactly what happened.

On Tuesday after we got back from taking D to the bus, we sat down and did our learning time with the flash cards first. W and H are getting pretty good at recognizing all the numbers from 1-100, though of course, W is better at it, since he's older. And I was really impressed when W knew all of the letters except for J and U. He usually has a hard time remembering M and N too, but he knew those this time. So after we did the flash cards, I had him go on again and work especially on J and U.

After lunch and another free play time, we had music time. We listened and danced to some music, then left it on while we made some cookies together. By the time the cookies were all done, it was time for the older two to get home from school. It really is amazing how quickly that goes.

On Wednesday after we got back from the bus, W and H wanted to play outside, so I decided that I would let them do that. To make it a little more productive for me, I decided to mow the front lawn while they were playing. Then our lawnmower started smoking, so I put it away and went over to borrow one from my sister-in-law who lives just around the corner, which is basically 3 houses away. The kids decided they wanted to stay and play with their cousins for a bit while I mowed the lawn, which actually turned out pretty well. Their one cousin decided he needed to come home with us when we left, so while they were all running up and back on the sidewalk, we chatted for a bit. Because of that, we ended up having a pretty late lunch and free play.

After the free play, the boys wanted to do a starfall learning time rather than do an art time, so I decided to let them. They were still doing that when B and D walked in the door from school, and kept doing it while I helped B and D do their homework. B also has to read for part of his homework, so he read a story to his younger brothers.

So we had another couple of good days. Usually I keep our outing day on Wednesday (or try to), but B and D don't have school on Friday, so I thought I'd wait and do our outing day then so they can go with us. It will probably be another trip to the zoo, since the kids love that and they have a couple new animals that B and D haven't been able to see yet.

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