Monday, August 31, 2009

Some long awaited music

Friday turned out to be a pretty good day as far as the scheduling thing went.

We did chores, then had a learning time before it was time to take D to the bus. After the bus, I needed some stuff from another store, so we stopped by there, then did lunch and some free time. After free time, we started some music time. It seems like it's been a while since we've done an actual music time. For music time, we finally got out the paper plate things we had made and did some different beats for those, then we practiced some of the songs that the older kids will be singing in church in a couple of weeks. We only had about a half hour until the bus was coming after we finished music time, so I let W and H color for a bit.

Unfortunately, I got sick around that time and threw up after we got back from the bus, so the rest of the day wasn't happening. I think we did still read a couple of books though. But then we had a weekend full of sick kids after that, even for W's birthday on Sunday.

And today I kept B home from school because he threw up in the night last night, so I'm thinking a good portion of today will probably be a bit shot. Hopefully we'll still get some of the stuff in though.

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