Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First day of school

So with the first day of school being today, we did have to do things a little differently from normal, although it really didn't throw things off too much. The first adjustment was pretty early though. Instead of getting up, eating breakfast, getting dressed, then doing chores, we got up, got dressed, walked B to the bus stop, then came home and ate breakfast and then did chores.

We did our adventure walk to the park today. D said he killed 300 werewolves on the way there. W just killed a few zombies. They're silly boys.

We did our learning time after the adventure walk, then took some time to make some sugar cookies before lunch. I had been promising the kids that we'd make cookies for a few days now, so we finally took the time to do it.

After free time it was time to take D over to the school for his kindergarten orientation. When we got back from that, we made frosting for our cookies, frosted them, then walked back over to the bus stop to pick up B after school.

The nice thing with when we typically do reading/story time is that it comes during the time the older kids would be doing their homework. And their homework usually consists of reading for 20 minutes. So they just do what they would have done anyway.

Wednesday will be a bigger adjustment, having D leave for school in the middle of the day, so we'll see how it goes after then.

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