Thursday, August 13, 2009

Week 2, Day 3

There continues to be a bit of grumbling occasionally, but once we get into activities, the kids seem to have fun.

We cheated a little and went to the play group at the park instead of doing music time. I just keep thinking that it won't be long before it will really get too cold to spend a lot of time outside, so we might as well take advantage of it while we can. Plus, they got the added bonus of being able to socialize and play with other kids. That's something they actually don't get to do a whole lot. I remember when I was growing up and all the kids were home during the summer, so there were always a lot of kids to play with. But times have changed. With more women working and not staying home with their kids, there aren't a lot of kids out playing. My kids' best friends are usually at day care instead of home to have someone to go play with. I think that's a little bit sad, and one aspect of the whole women's lib movement that is more of a drawback. But that's just my opinion.

At game time, we played UNO. Most of my kids are younger than the recommended age for that, but they really seem to understand how to play it. And I figure, if nothing else, they are more familiar with numbers and patterns as they play. They have a good time playing it, especially when they beat Mom.

So overall, I'd say we had another fairly successful day.

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