Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week 2, Day 2

Tuesday was one of those days where sometimes everything went smoothly, sometimes it didn't.

We switched outing day to Tuesday so we could go to the last free movie of this summer at the local theater. They were showing Madagascar 2 and the kids have wanted to see that and hadn't yet, so we went. They all really liked the movie and it was fun, despite W's whining through parts of it and H's not wanting to sit still (not uncommon for a 2 year-old). And of course, A fell asleep right before we left, woke up when we got there, and fell back asleep when it was time to go. While they were all mostly good, it would have been nice to have had an extra pair of hands there to help occasionally. But it wasn't bad.

One part where it didn't work out so well was when it took them an hour to clean up their toys after free time. I need to figure out a way to get them to do that faster. Since they were B's toys, I would have had the rest of us move on to game time while he cleaned up, but everyone else was playing with them too, so it wouldn't have been fair to not let him play when everyone else helped make the mess. Any suggestions on that one would be nice. It was just one of those situations where some of my tricks, like playing songs and having them try to get everything done before the song ends, wouldn't have really worked.

They all enjoyed story time again, although there was a bit of a hassle getting to it. When I told them to go pick out some books while I was working on getting a first part of dinner started, somehow they decided that it meant, "go find the baby oil and squirt it at each other, on the walls, and on the floor." That made for a very cranky mom, let me tell you. But once it was all cleaned up (and they still have oil in their hair, despite several washings), we had a fairly decent story time. And they were better at cleaning up the books after it was over.

It was a day where I was very glad when bedtime came around, although there was a nice accident at bedtime when H tried climbing on D's bed from B's bed and fell and scraped up his back nicely. I'm hoping Wednesday goes better.

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