Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday's day

Yesterday seemed to work out pretty well. Some things took longer than they should have, but that's okay. We didn't get to do the normal schedule, since I had to take my youngest in for her well child check-up, but that actually just made the day go faster.

Since it was Thursday, that meant it was art day. They still just colored and had a good time doing it. I spent most of art time printing out coloring pages for them to do. They kept wanting more and more. And then of course, they wanted to put their colored pictures up on the wall. By themselves. With thumbtacks. Lots of thumbtacks.

They seem to really enjoy story time lately. They'll have us read together for an hour and a half usually. And lately they always want to start with "Wacky Wednesday" by Dr. Seuss. They like finding all the wacky things in the pictures.

And today so far isn't going as well. The kids are rebelling a bit, and sometimes I just don't feel like fighting them. Really, they're just doing things a little slower than usual, so it's not too bad. They did actually clean up their toys (and have probably made a mess with them again already) and made their beds and did all that part that I asked them to. They've just been avoiding coming down when I've called them to move on to the next item. I think I'll just blame it on the fact that we're into our second day of rain here, and that always seems to affect their moods. Hopefully it will get better though, especially since their dad is working late tonight.

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