Thursday, August 6, 2009

Another day

So on Tuesday my kids ended up basically having a free day because I wasn't feeling well. They still had a few things they had to do, but for the rest of the day they were able to just play. It's a good thing they can entertain themselves pretty well.

Yesterday ended up being a good day, despite the fact that it took the kids twice as long to do their cleaning as it should have. I guess they liked cleaning up toys, since they dumped out a couple of their toy containers after they had cleaned up almost all their toys. Silly kids.

Since it was Wednesday, it was out outing day. We went to the park for our outing. Well, two parks, actually. Our church has a play group on Wednesday mornings at a park in one of the subdivisions, so we showed up at the end of that. They have a wooden step/walkway thing at the park there, and it was missing one of the wood planks. The boys made sure they showed me that it was missing, but apparently H forgot about it, since a few minutes later, he was walking across the walkway and stepped right into the hole where the plank should have been, hitting his chin on the way down. He's got a nice scraped-up chin now. After the short time at the play group, the boys wanted to go to the park that had teeter totters, but they were redoing their bark chips in it, so they had taken the teeter totters down. I decided to take them to the park by where the kids had taken their swimming lessons. They had a good time playing on all the equipment and with some of the other kids there. The park there has a toy that I don't think I've ever seen at another park. It's a long almost boat-like toy with benches on either end, and they can rock it and make it slide back and forth. They spent most of their time playing on that one.

Later in the day, we had our game time, story time, and we did a music time, since we had missed it the day before when I wasn't feeling well. I was just going to skip music time, but B really wanted us to do it, so we did. This time, we just put on different kinds of music and danced. Sometimes I'd have the kids clap to the beat and sometimes we'd all grab hands and spin in circles.

It was another fun day.

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