Monday, August 3, 2009

First Real Day

So today was the first day where I tried to actually follow the schedule. I do have to admit that no, I still haven't done the white board with the schedule so the kids know what's coming up. I really do want to get it up, but I hesitate to bring the white board in, since it's got the pen holder thingy on the bottom (what is that thing called anyway?) and I'm sure that if it's up on the wall in our house, I'm going to constantly be running into it and giving myself bruises.

I actually felt like I was coming closer to being a supermom today though. I still had to deal with kids who didn't necessarily want to do what we were doing, but when they got into it, they had a good time. Just for an example of what I did today, I did 4 loads of laundry, we straightened the house, we went on a giant troll hunt, we colored pictures and built houses out of Jenga blocks, and we had story time. Throw in mealtimes and a couple of snack times and a few other little things, and you have my day. It was a fun day though.

The giant troll hunt was our outdoor activity this morning. Basically, we took the dog on a walk and I let the kids each pick a direction when we'd get to a new street and had them choose what we were going to go find. They picked a giant troll. He lived in a volcano. Along the way, we had to go through the mosquito forest and had to find our magic wands and had to avoid turning into trolls ourselves. Our goal in finding the giant troll was to find out if he was a mean troll and we'd have to fight and defeat him or if he was a nice troll who was going to give us Otter Pops. The volcano ended up being back at our house. Hopefully it won't burn up with all that lava. And of course, the giant troll ended up being very nice and even set out a blanket for us to eat our Otter Pops out on the grass in the front. W keeps asking if we can go on another adventure. This time he wants it to be a pirate adventure.

So again I feel good about the day and am really glad I've decided to do this. I've already made a few adjustments to my original schedule, but I knew I'd end up doing that as I tried things. Hopefully more things will work than don't.

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