Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zoo day!

It's sad for me to realize that today was the last Wednesday Outing Day before my kids are back in school. This summer has gone by so quickly, especially these last few weeks. I've loved having all my kids around and am going to miss them while they're away at school. But at the same time, it's nice that they'll be back in school. There are times when they've been teasing their siblings or something along those lines that have made me wish they could have been at school then. It's just nice that more often than not, I've been glad to have them around.

So anyway, as you can tell from the title, we went to the zoo for our outing day. We go often enough to the zoo that we bought a zoo pass. Even with half of our kids being young enough to get in free, it still ends up saving us money to buy the zoo pass. And having it, we're more likely to go spend a day at the zoo and getting out to do something than if we didn't have it. My kids love going to the zoo, even though they've seen all the animals before. And since H is only 2, he's really fun to take. He gets so excited to see each kind of animal and tells all the people around him what he's seeing.

After we finished seeing all the animals at the zoo, we had a picnic on the big lawn area they have across the parking lot. Just simple sandwiches, chips, and string cheese, but the kids all said that was actually their favorite part of our outing. They got to play hide and seek tag around the trees and just had a good time. Yes, you read that right. Hide and seek tag. The seeker would have to tag the people after they were found to determine who was the next seeker. It was fun to watch them play.

After a little bit of free play time when we got home, we had a game time and then a longer story time. I always think it's a good thing when my kids want us to read more, so I'm willing to keep reading and not cut it short. I know I love reading and hope they'll develop that same love as they get older.

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