Wednesday, August 19, 2009

National cupcake day

Usually on Tuesdays we have music day, but since it was National Cupcake Day, we decided to make and decorate some cupcakes to celebrate. Hey, any excuse for a cupcake, right? Usually I'm pretty obsessive about the way things get done, especially when they have the potential to get pretty messy, but I decided to let the kids do most of the work themselves, from turning on the oven to filling the cupcake cups. They actually seemed to have a good time doing it, but they did have me help them fill the cups. And the bonus was that we got to eat the rewards of our work after.

Other than switching from music to cupcakes, it was a pretty typical day. B was especially good in the morning and did all his chores before I could have a chance to remind him to do them.

So it's all still going well. :)

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