Friday, August 14, 2009

Week 2, Day 4

Thursday started out pretty well. We cleaned up and then went on another adventure walk. My kids choose interesting subjects to search for when we go on these walks. This time, we were chasing after the zombies who stole all our food. Along the way, B would find more information on how to defeat them, such as hitting them with chicken wings. And they actually wanted to walk further than I thought they would, so it wasn't as fast as an adventure as I thought.

We had our usual learning time and lunch and all that fun stuff. For art time, we colored the back side of some plates and glued them together with unpopped popcorn kernels inside to make something we can use for our next music time. They seemed to have a good time with that, but B and D both got themselves put into time out for quite a while after they played with the glue gun in the less than 30 seconds I had gone to get another glue stick. B had squirted some out onto the paper I had below it to catch the drippings and D decided that it would be fun to put the paper with the big glob of hot glue on H's leg, burning him. And some skin came off with the glue when I pulled that off. And it didn't help that H had a fever of close to 103 at the time, either.

We did get in a bit of a story time after the hot glue incident, but not very long. And that incident kind of messed up the rest of the day, which was almost over anyway.

Oh, and my parents are in town right now, so I won't be doing a post for Friday, since we won't really be sticking to the schedule on Friday.

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