Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 2, Day 1

Today was another day where sometimes everything went smoothly and sometimes there was a bit of rebellion. But we worked through it and the rebellion would be short-lived.

We went on another adventure walk today, this time combining W's and D's wishes. We went on our way to find Pirate Island and to help the pirates fight off the bears that were overtaking the place. Pirate Island was a small park that is at the end of a neighboring subdivision, although the subdivisions are connected. So not only did the kids get to have a bit of fun, we got the added bonus of getting a bit of exercise with the close to 2 mile round trip walk.

It was art day again today, but with the longer walk, time was a bit shorter than usual, so they once again just colored in their notebooks. I was doing some laundry, so I took the opportunity to fold and put some away while they were coloring. That was also how I spent their free play time and the time when they were cleaning up the books after story time. With 5 kids in the family, we can end up with a lot of laundry sometimes. That's why I end up doing laundry 3 days out of the week usually. Sometimes it's more often than that.

I really think the kids are doing well so far with this whole scheduling thing. Already they seem to not want to watch as much TV, even when they can during free time. They'd rather get out their toys and play. And the piles and piles of books they wanted me to read today were fun to see, even though we didn't get through all of them. It makes me feel a little bad that I wasn't more dedicated to doing this earlier.

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